We will be providing recipes for you with season and produce availability in mind. And they will be good ones too! Some difficult, some easy-peasy.
Tested personally at Farm Where Life is Good.
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The definition of “whole grain” eating. Chewy and satisfying— they can help you with breakfast options, easy lunch-on-the-go options and wonderful one-pot dinner options. They can be cooked ahead and frozen in recipe-sized bags for easy use on the night in question.
Source: The book of common sense cooking (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-3 recipes worth
Ingredient keywords: wheat
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Tart, sweet, chewy and satisfying. Maybe an accompaniment to Thanksgiving dinner? A few modifications would make it a nice hot stuffing/dressing too.
Source: eatingwell.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: wheat
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Warm and satisfying; an alternative to rice pudding with more fiber and a heartier chew.
Source: eatingwell.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: wheat, maple
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A rare sighting are garlic scapes. Season a simple white bean side dish with these green, crunchy additions.
Source: Local Bounty by Devra Gartenstein (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 1-2
Ingredient keywords: garlic, parsley
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This is a mildly-adapted recipe from a great friend. It is superb! And quite a twist from traditional chili.
Source: Suzanne S-C (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: onion, garlic, cilantro, cumin, Anaheim, bean, lime, tofu, cornmeal
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Warm, creamy, chewy, rich, satisfying. Perfect for pre-school/pre-work sustenance to get you thru until lunch (or snack time!)
Source: eatingwell.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: wheat, maple
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On a cold night, this hearty wild rice dish will satisfy the palate.
Source: From Asparagus to Zucchini-- A guide to cooking farm-fresh seasonal produce by Madison Area CSA Coalition (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: celeriac, onion, rice, thyme, cranberries
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Homemade, not French’s. Give it a try, really simple.
Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: No clue (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 1 1/2 cup
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Here’s a creative way to use up those pesky zucchini and summer squash and get the taste of local apples in the summertime!
Source: Adapted from: Serving up the Harvest (Andrea Chesman) (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 18 muffins
Ingredient keywords: zucchini, lemon, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, nutmeg, margarine
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A hearty chili with lots to chew and savor— wheat berries, beans, peppers and onion. No fuss, no muss with a one-pot meal.
Source: eatingwell.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 4-5
Ingredient keywords: onion, pepper, garlic, oregano, tomato, wheat, cilantro
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