Farm Where Life is Good was found(ed) in 2006 when Roger and Lara stumbled upon it during a search for their own place to settle. Years of planning and learning have since led to our 2012 opening season of growing for market!
The next couple of years will be a time of soil improvement (cover crops and soil amendment), infrastructure improvements (irrigation, high tunnels for season extension), and transitioning the land to certified USDA Organic standards while we grow for our small customer base on 2 acres and for our own consumption in our 1/8 acre house garden. Our 5 year plan includes expansion of the growing fields to include our lower 8 acres and development of our upper 14 acres into perennial orchards and hay. Ongoing work on the entire 106 acre farm includes the establishment or renovation of existing waterways, wildlife habitats, and native landscapes.
No growers in this market use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides!
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