We will be providing recipes for you with season and produce availability in mind. And they will be good ones too! Some difficult, some easy-peasy.
Tested personally at Farm Where Life is Good.
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Somewhat straight forward, a little tedious, but can’t be beat for a delicious side to any pasta or risotto meal.
Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Unknown (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2x 10in loaves
Ingredient keywords: oregano, thyme, chives
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A traditional homemade Thanksgiving classic with local, seasonal ingredients.
Source: An amalgamation (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 6-8
Ingredient keywords: celeriac, shallot, sage, thyme, parsley
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We made this with our own honey, our own boc choi, our own peppers, our own onions, our own garlic…and it was fabulous!
Source: A mix of things (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: wheatmeat, onion, ginger, pepper, onion, honey, sesame, garlic, ginger, boc
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A simple, light soup to treat a cold. Tons of vitamins in those leafy greens!
Source: Adapted from: Wild About Greens by Nava Atlas (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: garlic, mushroom, radish, pepper, tomato, boc, radish, tofu, onion
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A creative way to serve up the cauliflower; if this recipe doesn’t appeal, search “cauliflower steaks” online and you’ll find dozens of creative recipes!
Source: fatfreevegan.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: cauliflower, hummus
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Hearty, simple salad served with a nice crusty French bread.
Source: Christinacooks.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 1-3
Ingredient keywords: tomato, celery, carrot, basil, lettuce
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This is just an excuse to eat lots of noodles, tomatoes and peppers. Love it!
Source: Lost in time and space? (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: onion, pepper, garlic, tomato, parsley
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This is good. Breakfast or dinner. Good.
Source: eatingwell magazine (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: kale, horseradish, shallot, potato
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With all of the cucumbers, I couldn’t pass on falafels. We had a great dinner of them last night. I cheated and used a box-mix that I found hidden on a back shelf (it was late!), but here is a recipe I have used before. Spice variations abound, so I have included some suggestions.)
Source: Adapted from minimalistbaker.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: kale, garlic
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One pan, lots of flavor, huge nutrition.
Source: Adapted from EatingWell Magazine (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: onion, garlic, pepper, kale, sage
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