We will be providing recipes for you with season and produce availability in mind. And they will be good ones too! Some difficult, some easy-peasy.
Tested personally at Farm Where Life is Good.
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A bit of a twist on the fresh summer soup, Gazpacho. Take a trip to the Greek isles.
Source: Food Network (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: garlic, oregano, parsley, pepper, pepper, onion, cucumber, tomato, olive, tomato
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Simple, adaptable, flavorful. Greens, greens, everywhere! The cheezy sauce can be used in many applications: a little beer or wine added and you have some fondue, a little minced jalapeno and some salsa and you have a quick chili con queso dip. Play with it and see.
Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Adapted from Vegan Diner: Classic Comfort Food for the Body and Soul (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: greens, garlic, onion, paprika, paprika
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Pretty simple but full of flavor and mild spice. Use to cover your favorite enchilada style or as a sauce for a Mexican version of lasagna. This is good stuff!
Source: food.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: covers 6 enchiladas
Ingredient keywords: pepper
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Garlic scapes are a fresh version of the old standby— garlic cloves. Enjoy them blended in a high-protein dressing that will give any fresh offering a profound zing! (If you haven’t used silken tofu before, it is quite versatile. You can find it in the Asian food section of all grocery stores; it is in a 4-5" carton, not refrigerated. Use it to make creamy things higher in protein and without the cholesterol.)¬
Source: an amalgamation (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: approx 1cup
Ingredient keywords: garlic
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Creativity is the name of the game with green smoothies. Recipes will get you going but there is nothing better than playing a little. Green smoothies are a quick way of eating your vegetables, especially “on the go”. (I shouldn’t be promoting eating “on the go”, but life does happen sometimes…and we must adapt!)
Lettuce or spinach are probably the best way to start the green smoothie experience, then branch out slowly from there as your taste buds expand.
A really powerful blender is ideal.
Source: various (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 1
Ingredient keywords: spinach
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A little time consuming to make, but well worth the effort. If you’d like to use as a main course, consider increasing the recipe and adding a protein (the Italian or kielbasa Tofurky-brand sausage, diced, nice)
Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Organic Gardening website (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-3 depends
Ingredient keywords: greens, shallot, garlic
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Tony Mantuano created this recipe, from Food & Wine website, in homage to the Calçotada in Spain. The Catalan festival celebrates the harvest of calçots, which are slender onions similar to baby leeks. After peeling the charred outer layers, festival-goers dip the softened onions in a vibrant romesco sauce, which Mantuano makes with sweet red bell peppers. “It’s fantastic,” Mantuano recalls. “Everyone has black fingers from the char.”
Source: Food and Wine website (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: ancho, hazelnuts, almonds, garlic, tomato, pepper, vinegar, parsley, leek
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If you’ve never tried grilling your salad, you certainly should! A little olive oil, a little salt, and a minute on the grill and you’ll have crisp greens with crunchy grilled flavor. You will be amazed how much romaine one person can eat when it’s prepared this way! Different and fun!
Source: Kathy & Beth (Entered by Kathy Rausch)
Servings: One head of romaine will feed 1 or 2 people
Ingredient keywords: romaine, olive, salt, pepper, croutons, Parmesan
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Anyone out there have a bread machine languishing away in the cupboard? Was that a 90s fad? Well, they are fabulous, let me tell you. We have had fresh bread for the past 8yrs since moving out to the farm; no store purchases. And it is really quite easy to do…_honestly, I don’t have a lot of spare time, let me tell you!_ I don’t use the baking feature of the machine, just the dough making aspect. Then I quick knead and shape and put in a standard loaf pan to rise (30-45min and bake 30min). So you DO have to be around the house to accomplish that last bit. But total actual work time is approx 10min.
Source: Long practice and several bread machine recipe books (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 10" x 5" loaf
Ingredient keywords: dill, chive
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A quick and satisfying presentation with tofu (gasp!).
Source: food.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-3
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