We will be providing recipes for you with season and produce availability in mind. And they will be good ones too! Some difficult, some easy-peasy.
Tested personally at Farm Where Life is Good.
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Fresh, crunchy, “raw” salad that makes the most of the nutrition found in fresh vegetables and newly sprouted seeds.
**Check out Sproutpeople.com for the best and widest selection of sprouting seeds I have found. I live there in the winter months!
Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Incredibly Delicious: Recipes for a New Paradigm (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 4-5 side salads
Ingredient keywords: carrot, onion, parsley
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I have gone nutty with my newly acquired 2014 hashbrown iron. Summer squash is just the next in line to fall to its clutches. Mmmmm good.
Source: 5dollardinners.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2-3
Ingredient keywords: potato, squash, zucchini, onion
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This just struck me as a wonderful idea; naturally gluten-free (if it matters), low carb, high vegetable and mighty tasty too!
Source: http://www.5dollardinners.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: You choose.
Ingredient keywords: squash
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Get the taste of summer in a colorful, fresh potato salad!
Source: unknown (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: potato, pepper, carrot, onion, cucumber, celery, garlic
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This is one of the BEST soups out there…yes, truly. Depending on what’s in season, I modify it a bit (no potatoes—>more squash, no celery—>1 tsp celery seed, etc.) For canning, I leave it chunky and puree when I am about to serve it, come winter. (It cans really well.)
Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Don't remember; I have modified it so much... (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 4-6, depending on appetites
Ingredient keywords: onion, garlic, pepper, celery, potatoes, squash, pepper
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Creative use for cabbage and perhaps an introduction to umeboshi vinegar— maybe an addition to your pantry.
Source: The Chicago Diner Cookbook (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: onion, cabbage, cabbage
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Perfect for all the yummy cukes we are getting!
Source: Kitchen Daily (Entered by Kate An Hunter)
Servings: 4
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Dal is the BEST, simply the best. This recipe is pretty simple. Make extra, it is great for lunch boxes.
Source: From: Fatfreevegan.com (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: onion, garlic, tomato
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Lots of color, lots of fresh flavor.
Source: Wild About Greens by Nava Atlas (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: 6-8
Ingredient keywords: potato, celery, pepper, dill
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This is quite incredible! I was introduced to it with asparagus spears, then adapted it to lightly braised/steamed boc choi. Mmmmm good.
Source: Not sure...cooking club a few years back. (Entered by Lara Rasmussen Anderson)
Servings: Depends on who you are serving!
Ingredient keywords: sesame, soy, lemon, sesame, ginger, garlic
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